Monitor Windows services with PowerShell

How to monitor Windows Servers with PowerShell. As a Windows Server and IIS administrator, you want your Windows services to run at all times. One can monitor Windows services in many, many, ways. Some of our customers websites may depend on certain services, which may be hard to monitor externally. For those Windows services that need local monitoring, I like to schedule a PowerShell script. Here is one...

Convert PHP ext/mysql to MySQLi

Learn how to convert PHP mysql functions to PHP MySQLi extension. The old ext/mysql extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0 and therefore it's a must to migrate away from using it and towards MySQLi or PHP Data Object (PDO). This post will show you how.
get current PHP realpath_cache_size value

How to set a good PHP realpath_cache_size

Learn how to set a good PHP realpath_cache_size and optimize your PHP performance. . Increasing realpath_cache_size might greatly improve PHP performance, as PHP states: "this value should be increased on systems where PHP opens many files." Setting a correct value for PHP realpath_cache_size can greatly improve PHP performance and optimize WordPress - and other CMS's - websites.