_retrieve_IP_address_status_SFP( * $mybl->_retrieve_remote_IP_address())) * { * $output = "Unauthorised access"; * $output .= "

Unauthorised access

Access from"; * $output .= "your IP address to this website is prohibited!

"; * $output .= "

Contact the webmaster if you believe this"; * $output .= " is an error.

"; * header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); * die($output); * } * ?> */ Class httpBL { // CHANGE THE PATH ON THE LINE BELOW! public $configfile = "/path/to/your/config.ini"; public $ini_array; public function _read_config_file() { return $this->ini_array = parse_ini_file($this->configfile, true); } public function _check_required_params() { $this->_read_config_file(); if( ($this->ini_array["PHPaccesskey"] != "") && ($this->ini_array["SFSaccesskey"] != "") && ($this->ini_array["blfileloc"] != "") ) { return TRUE; } else { trigger_error("not all required variables are filled out."); exit; } } public function _retrieve_remote_IP_address() { $ip = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); return $ip; } /** * Only for public IP v4 address space * http://www.php.net/manual/en/filter.filters.validate.php **/ public function validate_IP_address($ip) { if(filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 | FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE) !== FALSE) { // IPV4 === TRUE return TRUE; exit; } else { return FALSE; exit; } } /** * Note that the IP address being queried should be sent in the reversed * octet format. In other words, "" should become "" * for all DNS queries. For more detailed information, please see the * http:BL API (http://www.projecthoneypot.org/httpbl_api.php). **/ public function _reverse_octet_format($ip) { // return preg_replace("/(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})$/",'${4}.${3}.${2}.${1}',$ip); return implode(".", array_reverse(explode ('.', $ip))); } /** * Look up IP address using DNS to retrieve its status with * Project Honey Pot (PHP) * We can also validate IP addresses against different blacklists: * dns_get_record($revip.".cbl.abuseat.org", DNS_A); or * zen.spamhaus.org, but that's beyond the scope of this Class **/ public function _retrieve_IP_address_status_PHP($ip) { if($this->_check_required_params() == TRUE) { if(!$this->validate_IP_address($ip)) { //trigger_error("not a valid IP address"); //exit; return FALSE; } if(!$this->check_is_current_listed($ip,'webconfig') && (!$this->check_is_current_listed($ip,'htaccess'))) { $lookup = $this->ini_array["PHPaccesskey"] .".".implode(".", array_reverse(explode (".", $ip))) .".dnsbl.httpbl.org"; $result = explode(".", gethostbyname($lookup)); if(!empty($result) && ($result["0"] == "127")) { // minDayinBl (2) and minThreatLevel (5) if(($result["1"] >= $this->ini_array["minDayinBl"]) && ($result["2"] >= $this->ini_array["minThreatLevel"])) { $this->save_positive_result($ip); $this->save_any_listing_file($ip); return TRUE; } } } else { $this->save_any_listing_file($ip); return TRUE; } } else { trigger_error("not all required variables are filled out."); exit; } } /** * function to retrieve the IP status from Stop Forum Spam * $ip : IP address in *normal* octet format - (variable) * result is either: listed in Stop Forum Spam and now added to our * own blacklist, or already listed in our own little blacklist **/ public function _retrieve_IP_address_status_SFP($ip) { if($this->_check_required_params() == 1) { if(!$this->validate_IP_address($ip)) { //trigger_error("not a valid IP address"); return FALSE; //exit; } if(!$this->check_is_current_listed($ip,'webconfig') && (!$this->check_is_current_listed($ip,'htaccess'))) { if($this->http_GET($ip, 'serial') == TRUE) { $this->save_positive_result($ip); $this->save_any_listing_file($ip); return TRUE; } } else { $this->save_positive_result($ip); $this->save_any_listing_file($ip); return TRUE; } } else { trigger_error("not all required variables are filled out."); exit; } } /** * $url : HTTP URL to Stop Forum Spam - (fixed) * $ip : IP address in *normal* octet format - (variable) * $format : serialized (serialize() or JSON) - (variable, * serialize() is used as default) **/ public function http_GET($ip,$format='serial') { $ch = curl_init(); $url = "http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?ip=".$ip."&f=".$format.""; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $result = unserialize($output); if($result["ip"]["appears"] == 1) { return TRUE; } } /** * function to save a positive listing result in our own blacklist * $ip : IP address in *normal* octet format - (variable) * * ISAPI Rewrite version 3 format uses .htaccess, in combination with * a blacklist.txt file (RewriteMap): * * - * * More information: * http://www.saotn.nl/isapi_rewrite-als-web-application-firewall-waf-1/ * http://helicontech.blogspot.com/2009/02/isapirewrite-faq.html * * Should also work for Apache's mod_rewrite RewriteMap * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewritemap * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/rewrite/access.html#host-deny **/ public function save_positive_result($ip) { if(file_exists($this->ini_array["blfileloc"]) && is_writable($this->ini_array["blfileloc"])) { if($this->check_is_current_listed($ip, 'htaccess') != TRUE) { $f = fopen($this->ini_array["blfileloc"],"ab"); fwrite($f, $ip ." -\r\n"); fclose($f); clearstatcache(); } } else { trigger_error($this->ini_array["blfileloc"] ." not writable!"); } if(file_exists($this->ini_array["webconfigFile"]) && is_writable($this->ini_array["webconfigFile"])) { if(!$this->check_is_current_listed($ip, 'webconfig')) { $this->_save_web_dot_config_positive_result($ip); } } else { trigger_error($this->ini_array["webconfigFile"] ." not writable!"); } } /** * function to see if it is already listed * $ip : IP address in *normal* octet format - (variable) * result is either TRUE (listed in own blacklist) or FALSE (not listed) **/ public function check_is_current_listed($ip, $file='') { if($file == '' || $file == 'htaccess') { if(file_exists($this->ini_array["blfileloc"])) { $f = file_get_contents($this->ini_array["blfileloc"]); if(strstr($f, $ip ." -") != FALSE) { return TRUE; } } } if($file == 'webconfig') { if(($this->ini_array["use_webconfigFile"] == "1") && (file_exists($this->ini_array["webconfigFile"]))) { $f = file_get_contents($this->ini_array["webconfigFile"]); $sstring = "ipAddress=\"".$ip."\" allowed=\"false\""; //var_dump(strstr($f,$sstring)); die(); if(strstr($f,$sstring) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } } } } /** * saves any hit of blocked IP addresses to a log file **/ public function save_any_listing_file($ip) { if(file_exists($this->ini_array["bllogfileloc"]) && is_writable($this->ini_array["bllogfileloc"])) { $f = fopen($this->ini_array["bllogfileloc"],"ab"); fwrite($f, date("Y.m.d.G:i") ." - " . $ip ."\r\n"); fclose($f); clearstatcache(); } else { trigger_error("could not find logfile " .$this->ini_array["bllogfileloc"]); } } /** * IIS 7 / 7.5 IP Address and Domain Restrictions format * uses web.config for configuration (to do) * * * * * * * * **/ public function _save_web_dot_config_positive_result($ip) { $formatxml = PHP_EOL; $formatxml .= " "; $doc = new DOMDocument(); if($doc->load($this->ini_array["webconfigFile"]) === false ) { return false; } $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $iprestrictions_nodes = $xpath->query('/configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity[starts-with(@add,\'ipAddress\')]'); if($iprestrictions_nodes->length > 0) { return true; } $xmlnodes = $xpath->query('/configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity'); if ($xmlnodes->length > 0) { $ipsecurity_node = $xmlnodes->item(0); } else { $ipsecurity_node = $doc->createElement('ipSecurity'); $xmlnodes = $xpath->query('/configuration/system.webServer/security'); if($xmlnodes->length > 0) { $security_node = $xmlnodes->item(0); $security_node->appendChild($ipsecurity_node); } else { $security_node = $doc->createElement('security'); $security_node->appendChild($ipsecurity_node); $xmlnodes = $xpath->query('/configuration/system.webServer'); if($xmlnodes->length > 0) { $system_webServer_node = $xmlnodes->item(0); $system_webServer_node->appendChild($security_node); } else { $system_webServer_node = $doc->createElement('system.webServer'); $system_webServer_node->appendChild($security_node); $xmlnodes = $xpath->query('/configuration'); if ($xmlnodes->length > 0) { $config_node = $xmlnodes->item(0); $config_node->appendChild($system_webServer_node); } else { $config_node = $doc->createElement('configuration'); $doc->appendChild($config_node); $config_node->appendChild($system_webServer_node); } } } } $rule_fragment = $doc->createDocumentFragment(); $rule_fragment->appendXML($formatxml); $ipsecurity_node->appendChild($rule_fragment); $doc->encoding = "UTF-8"; $doc->formatOutput = true; $this->saveDomDocument($doc, $this->ini_array["webconfigFile"]); return true; } function saveDomDocument($doc, $filename) { $config = $doc->saveXML(); $config = preg_replace("/([^\r])\n/", "$1\r\n", $config); $fp = fopen($filename, 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $config); fclose($fp); } } ?>