
PowerShell blacklist check script: find an IP address' blacklist status & reputation

Here's a blacklist check script written in PowerShell. You can use this to lookup an IP address in various blacklists (DNSBL, RBL). Such a check is a great indicator for an IP address' reputation. Basically this PowerShell blacklist checker is a port of my Bash script to check an IP address blacklist status in Linux.


How to block BaiduSpider bot User-Agent?

The Baidu spider (BaiduSpider user agent) can be a real pain to block, especially since it does not respect a robots.txt as it should. This post shows you how to block Baidu Spider bot, using IIS URL Rewrite Module based on its User-Agent string.

Block WordPress comment spammers manually

The less spammers hit your WordPress blog, the better your blog performs, is one of my opinions. A second is, the less unnecessary plugins you use on your WordPress blog, the better. So, a little while ago I decided to remove plugins like Stop Spammer Registration Plugin and do its work myself.

How to filter web traffic with blocklists

Create your own HTTP web blocklist filter to block and filter unwanted web HTTP traffic with blocklists.

Check IP address blacklist status in Bash

Here is a Linux Bash shell script to check whether an IP address is listed in a DNSBL blacklist, or RBL. Using this script in Bash you can quickly test if an IP address is blacklisted.
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