WordPress plugin "In Over Your Archives" Call-time pass-by-reference fix for PHP 5.4

Here is how to fix PHP "Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in ..." errors in PHP and WordPress.
Published on Wednesday, 23 April 2014

How to fix PHP Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in errors. The following PHP fix goes for nearly all PHP Call-time pass-by-reference errors: The WordPress plugin In Over Your Archives is a plugin to display your archive page in a nice way, just like on inoveryourhead.net. The plugin hasn't been updated in quite some time and breaks with PHP version 5.4:

Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in plugins\in-over-your-archives\in_over_your_archives.php on line 649.

This can easily be fixed. And here is how. Open up the file in-over-your-archives\in-over-your-archives.php and look up line 649. It is:


Change this line to


and the plugin will function with PHP 5.4.