
How to Fix Yoast SEO for WordPress DeleteDuplicateIndexables MySQL error

A possible fix for Yoast broken DeleteDuplicateIndexables statement

Increase WordPress' memory limit WP_MEMORY_LIMIT properly in wp-config.php

How to increase the memory limit for your WordPress website, the right way. In this post I show you a correct way of setting WordPress WP_MEMORY_LIMIT and PHP memory_limit settings to improve Wordpress speed & performance.

Optimized WordPress hosting (9+ practical tips)

Optimized WordPress hosting is a subject on which a lot is written about. And therefore, this post is not about where to host your WordPress blog, or who offers the best WordPress hosting. This post is for _you_ developers, what _you_ can do to optimize your WordPress hosting. Or for any other PHP web application for that matter.

MySQL InnoDB performance improvement: InnoDB buffer pool instances - Updated!

Are you running into MySQL load problems? InnoDB Buffer Pool optimization is an important step in tuning MySQL servers for a heavy InnoDB workload. Configuring innodb_buffer_pool_instances and increase read/write I/O threads. Dividing the InnoDB buffer pool into multiple instances can improve Disk I/O. And by doing so, you run your database & server more efficiently and faster. Here is a little help for you.

Optimize WordPress MySQL tables through Cron, behind the scenes

To regularly optimize my WordPress database tables, I created a small plugin that utilizes the WordPress Cron feature. This comes in handy to perform database optimization for WordPress on a regular basis, without forgetting about it. Just activate and enjoy. And here is the plugin code.

Minify WP-Super-Cache HTML cache files: WPSCMin a WP-Super-Cache plugin

The WordPress WP-Super-Cache cache plugin doesn't minify HTML cache files, which I find a disadvantage. Knowing minify libraries, I went looking for an existing solution (why reinvent the wheel?), and found one: WPSCMin. Read on ...


Optimize PHP's OPcache configuration

Now that you've optimized PHP realpath_cache_size, it's time to fine-tune PHP OPcache. With just a few tweaks you can tune OPcache to make it perform much better, and here is how! ...


How to set a good PHP realpath_cache_size

Learn how to optimize PHP performance by checking and setting PHP realpath_cache_size

8 Tips to improve Joomla performance

Learn how to speed-up Joomla performance on Windows Server IIS using these 8 simple, but important, tips. Add caching, gzip compression, set your sessions & optimize MySQL database functions.

MySQL database optimization with indices

Why MySQL indices are so important? Here at Vevida, we like to help our customers as much as possible. Even with optimizing a MySQL database when they don't ask for it, or when a customer doesn't know performance can be improved. For example by adding an index because we spotted a slow query in our slow-query log.
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