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Measure WordPress loading time and queries

During an HTTP request, WordPress executes a lot of queries on your MySQL database. Not just the database queries take time, also loading and executing PHP takes time. How to measure WordPress' loading time and executed database queries?


Benchmarking WordPress, simple load & speed testing with ApacheBench

ApacheBench, or ab, is a small benchmark utility that comes with Apache. It's a really simple HTTP load generating tool, ideal for a simple WordPress load & speed test. How fast does your WordPress site respond? How many HTTP requests per second can your server handle? These are questions on which ab can shed some light. Here is how to load test WordPress with ApacheBench.


Optimized WordPress hosting (9+ practical tips)

Optimized WordPress hosting is a subject on which a lot is written about. And therefore, this post is not about where to host your WordPress blog, or who offers the best WordPress hosting. This post is for you developers, what you can do to optimize your WordPress hosting. Or for any other PHP web application for that matter. This post is not about setting up high-availability, fail-over, clustering, IIS versus Nginx versus Apache, RAID 1, 5, 6, 10, different types of storage, and so on. It’s about solving performance issues.


Binary webshell through OPcache in PHP 7

GoSecure wrote up a new PHP exploitation technique using the default OPcache engine from PHP 7. Using this attack vector, it's possible to bypass certain hardening techniques that disallow the file write access in the web directory. This could be used by an attacker to execute his own malicious code in a hardened environment.


How to install Microsoft's SQL Server Driver for PHP

This post walks you through the steps necessary to install the SQL Server driver and SQLSRV extension for PHP 7+, on Windows Server IIS of course.

Optimize WordPress MySQL tables through Cron, behind the scenes

To regularly optimize my WordPress database tables, I created a small plugin that utilizes the WordPress Cron feature. This comes in handy to perform database optimization for WordPress on a regular basis, without forgetting about it. Just activate and enjoy. And here is the plugin code.

Cracking PHP rand()

This is a very interesting read about how PHP rand() works, and how to attack & crack it...

Minify WP-Super-Cache HTML cache files: WPSCMin a WP-Super-Cache plugin

The WordPress WP-Super-Cache cache plugin doesn't minify HTML cache files, which I find a disadvantage. Knowing minify libraries, I went looking for an existing solution (why reinvent the wheel?), and found one: WPSCMin. Read on ...


Generate pseudo-random passwords with OpenSSL

OpenSSL comes in handy when you need to generate random passwords, for example for system accounts and services. In this short post I'll give you a quick example on how to generate random passwords with OpenSSL in Linux (Bash), Windows and PHP.

Always_populate_raw_post_data setting in PHP 5.6 & Magento 2.0

How to fix upgrades to Magento 2.0 in PHP 5.6 and higher: PHP 7+.
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