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Getting more out your Windows Performance Counters monitoring for web applications – part 3

This is part 3 about Zabbix monitoring for your websites and ASP.NET applications in IIS. This time I'll show you how to get data from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process counter, fast, for everey application pool This counter is notorious for its slowness, but you can get data a bit faster. IIS AppPool Insights in Zabbix - because there is always more than one way.
Microsoft OpenSSH SSH Server Properties screen

Install OpenSSH in Windows Server

How to install OpenSSH Server in Windows Server Core using PowerShell. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to install Microsoft SSH Server in Windows Server 2022 and below (2019, 2016, 2012 R2). OpenSSH is an ideal and secure way of performing remote maintenance & administration on your servers. Even on Windows Server!

Securing privileged access

Securing privileged access is a critical first step to establishing security assurances for business assets in a modern organization. The security of most or all business assets in an IT organization depends on the integrity of the privileged accounts used to administer, manage, and develop. Cyber-attackers often target these accounts and other elements of privileged access to gain access to data and systems using credential theft attacks
HTTP Basic authentication

Basic Authentication module for Windows Server IIS 10

Basic Authentication managed HTTP module for IIS 10 with virtual users support. In my pursuit of a basic authentication alternative in IIS, other than the built-in Basic Authentication module or Helicon Ape, I came across Devbridge AzurePowerTools. It's apparently one of few HTTP managed modules for IIS that enables HTTP Basic Authentication with support for virtual users.