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Getting more out your Windows Performance Counters monitoring for web applications – part 3

This is part 3 about Zabbix monitoring for your websites and ASP.NET applications in IIS. This time I'll show you how to get data from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process counter, fast, for everey application pool This counter is notorious for its slowness, but you can get data a bit faster. IIS AppPool Insights in Zabbix - because there is always more than one way.
High Performance MySQL

MySQL InnoDB performance improvement: InnoDB buffer pool instances – Updated!

Are you running into MySQL load problems? Learn how to optimize MySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool for a heavy InnoDB workload by configuring innodb_buffer_pool_instances and increasing read/write I/O threads. Dividing the InnoDB buffer pool into multiple instances can improve Disk I/O. By doing so, you run your database more efficiently and faster. Here is a little help for you.

Monitor Windows services with PowerShell

How to monitor Windows Servers with PowerShell. As a Windows Server and IIS administrator, you want your Windows services to run at all times. One can monitor Windows services in many, many, ways. Some of our customers websites may depend on certain services, which may be hard to monitor externally. For those Windows services that need local monitoring, I like to schedule a PowerShell script. Here is one...

ASP.NET performance: what to keep in mind

(ASP).NET programmers have to keep certain rules in mind when developing high performance ASP.NET applications, and/or optimizing your existing ASP.NET website. A lot of information is available on this subject. In this post I'll share some valuable posts, and I continue to update this post when I find something new. Posts about ASP.NET performance I frequently pass on to customers so they can improve their ASP.NET web applications.