Disable WordPress XCloner Plugin logger in MySQL / phpMyAdmin

If XCloner Logger option is enabled, it will store a log file inside the xcloner-XXXXX folder inside the backup archive. The file is named xcloner-xxxxx.log. This can generate a huge amount of temporary files and log files on your file system. This short article provides you one SQL statement to disable XCloner log directly in your WordPress MySQL database, using phpMyAdmin.

How to Fix Yoast SEO for WordPress DeleteDuplicateIndexables MySQL error

In recent days, there are a number of reports about broken Yoast SEO database operations, related to the DeleteDuplicateIndexables function. The PHP function is located in the file wordpress-seo\src\config\migrations\20200507054848_DeleteDuplicateIndexables.php, and in this post I'll provide you with a possible fix for this statement. Read on.

MySQL Connector/ODBC C# test script

Whenever you need to test your ASP.NET connection to your MySQL database, using ODBC, you can use the following C# test script. Currently it uses MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver, but you can easily change the version used. As a bonus it prints some connection information and it requires an SSL connection to your MySQL database (SslMode=REQUIRED).
MySQL fix. Image via Flickr by Luis M. Gallardo D

Restore single MySQL table from a full mysqldump backup file

Here are the steps required to restore a single MySQL table from a full mysqldump database backup file on the command-line. If you need to restore a single table from a full MySQL backup, you may find yourself wondering "how do I do that?". There are a few steps required, I outline them here for you to restore the contents of just one table back into the database from the mysqldump using Bash.
Your WordPress hosting at Warp Speed - img. credits: Christian Daryanto Limas @ flickr

Optimized WordPress hosting (9+ practical tips)

WordPress optimized hosting is a subject on which a lot is written about. And therefore, this post is not about where to host your WordPress blog, or who offers the best WordPress hosting. This post is for you developers, what you can do to optimize your WordPress hosting. This post is not about setting up high-availability, fail-over, clustering, IIS versus Nginx versus Apache, RAID 1, 5, 6, 10, different types of storage, and so on. It’s about solving performance issues.
High Performance MySQL

MySQL InnoDB performance improvement: InnoDB buffer pool instances – Updated!

Are you running into MySQL load problems? Learn how to optimize MySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool for a heavy InnoDB workload by configuring innodb_buffer_pool_instances and increasing read/write I/O threads. Dividing the InnoDB buffer pool into multiple instances can improve Disk I/O. By doing so, you run your database more efficiently and faster. Here is a little help for you.

Convert PHP ext/mysql to MySQLi

Learn how to convert PHP mysql functions to PHP MySQLi extension. The old ext/mysql extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0 and therefore it's a must to migrate away from using it and towards MySQLi or PHP Data Object (PDO). This post will show you how.