Recursive scp and symlinks

Recursive scp and symlinks

Recursive scp without following symbolic links. When using recursive scp, symbolic links aren't preserved and are copied as if they are normal directories. So you have to look for another solution to recursively transfer symlinks over ssh. Here is one: Tar over ssh!
Install Varnish Cache on CentOS 6.7

Install Varnish Cache on CentOS 6.7

How to install and configure Varnish Cache on CentOS. Varnish is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents. Because Varnish Cache is really, really fast, web applications like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla can greatly benefit from Varnish Cache.
Elasticsearch logo

Install Elasticsearch on CentOS 6.7

Elasticsearch is a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine. It allows you to store, search, and analyze big volumes of data quickly and in near real time. In this article we'll go over the steps to install Elasticsearch on CentOS 6.7.
Turn off swap

Turn off swap

Swapping is costly for disk I/O and not every Linux server needs to have a swap partition and to start swapping. For instance, MySQL servers all have more than enough RAM available to do their work. Yet, when a swap partition is enabled Linux starts swapping, and that degrades MySQL database performance.
MONIT - Barking at daemons. Monit is a small Open Source utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

Monit monitoring on Ubuntu 14.04 VM on Hyper-V

Set up a Monit monitoring service for your websites and services. Monit is a free and open source service monitoring application which can perform various event-based actions. Monit can send email notifications, restart a service or application, or take other responsive actions. We set Monit up on a Ubuntu 14.04 VM, built on Hyper-V. And we use Monit to monitor several websites, and send out notifications on downtime.