17+ Useful WordPress snippets

Here are 17+ valuable WordPress snippets for site-specific plugins and functions.php to provide you a better WordPress experience. Enhance your WordPress site with these small PHP snippets: WordPress filters, actions and functions. Quickly add or extend the functionality you need for your WordPress website! Read on...

RewriteProxy with .htaccess in IIS

Rewrite and proxy HTTP requests in IIS using a .htaccess. In my case scenario, I had to proxy requests in IIS, because a website was moved from web server A to B, and the DNS wasn't updated yet. All HTTP requests for the moved website are handled in IIS' Default Web Site; that's the wildcard host, and the original host no longer existed there. We needed to match our website and proxy those requests to the new IIS web server. This can either be done using a proxy with IIS URL Rewrite, IIS Application Request Routing (ARR), or a .htaccess file handled by Helicon Ape.