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How to optimize Umbraco 8 performance

Out of the box, Umbraco is a well built and pretty fast content management system. However, it is still important you perform some steps to further optimize Umbraco's performance and loading speed. Here on Sysadmins of the North, I wrote about "11+ tips to optimize Umbraco CMS" earlier, and in this post I write about implementing them. On a just installed and running website.

How to Fix Yoast SEO for WordPress DeleteDuplicateIndexables MySQL error

In recent days, there are a number of reports about broken Yoast SEO database operations, related to the DeleteDuplicateIndexables function. The PHP function is located in the file wordpress-seo\src\config\migrations\20200507054848_DeleteDuplicateIndexables.php, and in this post I'll provide you with a possible fix for this statement. Read on.