Disable WordPress XCloner Plugin logger in MySQL / phpMyAdmin

If XCloner Logger option is enabled, it will store a log file inside the xcloner-XXXXX folder inside the backup archive. The file is named xcloner-xxxxx.log. This can generate a huge amount of temporary files and log files on your file system. This short article provides you one SQL statement to disable XCloner log directly in your WordPress MySQL database, using phpMyAdmin.

How to Fix Yoast SEO for WordPress DeleteDuplicateIndexables MySQL error

In recent days, there are a number of reports about broken Yoast SEO database operations, related to the DeleteDuplicateIndexables function. The PHP function is located in the file wordpress-seo\src\config\migrations\20200507054848_DeleteDuplicateIndexables.php, and in this post I'll provide you with a possible fix for this statement. Read on.
WP-Super-Cache logo

Tips to speed up WordPress, serve gzip compressed static HTML files

Who said WordPress is slow on Windows Server IIS? Gzip compress and serve WP-Super-Cache or Cache Enabler static HTML files, to supercharge your WordPress blog. Here is how to serve gzip compressed HTML files through Windows Server IIS: create smaller, compressed, static HTML files, that are downloaded faster. This works with WP-Super-Cache and Cache Enabler on IIS!

17+ Useful WordPress snippets

Here are 17+ valuable WordPress snippets for site-specific plugins and functions.php to provide you a better WordPress experience. Enhance your WordPress site with these small PHP snippets: WordPress filters, actions and functions. Quickly add or extend the functionality you need for your WordPress website! Read on...

Display commas in WordPress tags

Sometimes you may want to display commas in tag names. For example if you have a business directory listing and want to create one single taxonomy (tag name) "cafe, restaurant, bar". This post shows you how to create a filter in your functions.php file to display WordPress tags with a comma, enjoy!

Install WordPress plugins without WP-admin access

Install WordPress plugins without admin access, and automate your WordPress customization and plugin installation. WordPress has a little drop-in plugin option available in the form of /wp-content/install.php. This install.php file is not present at default, but when created it can be used to install plugins without wp-admin access. This might come in handy for unattended WordPress installations, customization, and so on.

How to load google-code-prettify syntax highlighting without plugins

If you run a WordPress blog where you display (parts of) source code, syntax highlighting is a must! It prettifies the code which makes it easier to read and it distinguishes code from text. However, most syntax highlighting is made available through plugins, and we all know too many plugins bring a lot of overhead to your blog. So, conditional load in WordPress: Load javascript only on posts in WordPress.