Monitor Windows services with PowerShell

How to monitor Windows Servers with PowerShell. As a Windows Server and IIS administrator, you want your Windows services to run at all times. One can monitor Windows services in many, many, ways. Some of our customers websites may depend on certain services, which may be hard to monitor externally. For those Windows services that need local monitoring, I like to schedule a PowerShell script. Here is one...
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Add websites and application pools to IIS with PowerShell, in a for loop

How to use PowerShell to create websites and application pools in IIS. How to use PowerShell to create websites and application pools in IIS... A client of the company I work for wanted to quickly add 60 sub-domains to his website. But, the sub-domains had to be created as self contained IIS websites, and running in their own application pools. Luckily, the client wanted 60 consecutive sub-domain names. This made our task a bit easier, because we could easily script this in PowerShell