Create your own CDN using IIS Outbound Rules

Here's how to create a Content Delivery Network (CDN) using IIS outbound rewrite rules. Offload your static content and speed up your website with these tips. Offloading content is important for the performance of your website, because then content is downloaded in parallel and thus faster. A faster website attracts more visitors, is more user friendly, improves CTR and Google SEO.

ASP.NET performance: what to keep in mind

(ASP).NET programmers have to keep certain rules in mind when developing high performance ASP.NET applications, and/or optimizing your existing ASP.NET website. A lot of information is available on this subject. In this post I'll share some valuable posts, and I continue to update this post when I find something new. Posts about ASP.NET performance I frequently pass on to customers so they can improve their ASP.NET web applications.

Don’t turn off CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER and fix your PHP configuration

Don't turn off CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER but fix your PHP configuration to resolve SSL errors in PHP. These errors are often caused by not having an up-to-date bundle of CA root certificates on your system. So please, don't turn off CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER in your PHP config, but fix the cURL errors by updating cURL's bundle of CA root certificates and your php.ini configuration.

Connect to SqlCe (SQL Server Compact) database from ASP

Connect to SQL Server Compacy (SqlCe) database with ASP. Here is how to install the Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.4.0 Provider and use classic ASP to connect to an SqlCe (SQL Server Compact) database sdf file, as a Microsoft Access database replacement. For Windows Server IIS. SQL Server Compact (SqlCe), the embedded database engine, is the default database for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and WebMatrix 3. This means, it's recommended to use SqlCe over Access nowadays.
magnifying glass near gray laptop computer

Grep for forensic log parsing and analysis on Windows Server IIS

How to use GnuWin32 ported tools like grep.exe and find.exe for forensic log file analysis in Windows Server. In this article I'll give some real live examples of using these ported GnuWin tools like grep.exe for logfile analysis on Windows servers. The article provides three example, as an alternative to LogParser, because finding spam scripts fast is often very important.