Mod_evasive on IIS

Website DDoS protection with mod_evasive.Mod_evasive is a module for Apache and Windows Server IIS (using Helicon Ape). It provides protection and evasive action in the event of an HTTP DoS-, DDoS or brute force attack. Detection is performed by creating an internal dynamic hash table of IP Addresses and URIs, and denies an IP address access to a website if it's requesting the same page more than 10 times a second. This is configurable.
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IIS Outbound Rules with gzip compression

Learn how to use URL Rewrite Outbound Rules in IIS, to offload content from a different server or host name. This way IIS with URL Rewrite acts as a reverse proxy. Add gzip compression to the mix, and this will improve website performance. In this post, I'll also show you how to fix the URL Rewrite Module error "Outbound rewrite rules cannot be applied when the content of the HTTP response is encoded ("gzip")." in IIS.

How to clean up Contact Form 7 temporary captcha files on IIS web servers

Contact Form 7 is a WordPress plugin that provides a simple but flexible contact form. On IIS, Contact Form 7 captcha has one HUGE disadvantage: temporary captcha files placed in wp-content/uploads/wpcf7_captcha, are not automatically removed. The files are made read only. Here is how to remove Contact Form 7 temporary captcha files on IIS...
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Add websites and application pools to IIS with PowerShell, in a for loop

How to use PowerShell to create websites and application pools in IIS. How to use PowerShell to create websites and application pools in IIS... A client of the company I work for wanted to quickly add 60 sub-domains to his website. But, the sub-domains had to be created as self contained IIS websites, and running in their own application pools. Luckily, the client wanted 60 consecutive sub-domain names. This made our task a bit easier, because we could easily script this in PowerShell

Create your own CDN using IIS Outbound Rules

Here's how to create a Content Delivery Network (CDN) using IIS outbound rewrite rules. Offload your static content and speed up your website with these tips. Offloading content is important for the performance of your website, because then content is downloaded in parallel and thus faster. A faster website attracts more visitors, is more user friendly, improves CTR and Google SEO.