Microsoft OpenSSH SSH Server Properties screen

Install OpenSSH in Windows Server

How to install OpenSSH Server in Windows Server Core using PowerShell. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to install Microsoft SSH Server in Windows Server 2022 and below (2019, 2016, 2012 R2). OpenSSH is an ideal and secure way of performing remote maintenance & administration on your servers. Even on Windows Server!
PowerShell 5.0

Emulate ternary operator in PowerShell

Emulate ternary or conditional operator in PowerShell 5. It takes three operands: a condition followed by a question mark (?), then an expression to execute if the condition is truthy followed by a colon (:), and finally the expression to execute if the condition is falsy. This operator is frequently used as an alternative to an if...else statement.

Securing privileged access

Securing privileged access is a critical first step to establishing security assurances for business assets in a modern organization. The security of most or all business assets in an IT organization depends on the integrity of the privileged accounts used to administer, manage, and develop. Cyber-attackers often target these accounts and other elements of privileged access to gain access to data and systems using credential theft attacks

How to Fix Yoast SEO for WordPress DeleteDuplicateIndexables MySQL error

In recent days, there are a number of reports about broken Yoast SEO database operations, related to the DeleteDuplicateIndexables function. The PHP function is located in the file wordpress-seo\src\config\migrations\20200507054848_DeleteDuplicateIndexables.php, and in this post I'll provide you with a possible fix for this statement. Read on.

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— My story A passionate blogger and photographer from London. Add more information about yourself. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra sollicitudin sem eget vestibulum. Phasellus mollis id nibh vitae dignissim. Maecenas vitae eros tincidunt, laoreet tellus in, interdum eros. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante…
Set PHP handler accessPolicy (Request Restrictions) to Read in IIS

Disallow direct access to PHP files in wp-content/uploads/

It's recommended to disallow access to and execution of PHP files in wp-content/uploads folder. Preferably without the use of a security plugin. Blocking access to PHP files in WordPress wp-content/uploads folder is easily achieved with a .htaccess file on Linux Apache, or web.config accesssPolicy in Windows Server IIS, and here is how. Secure your WordPress site with this simple, yet effective, tip!