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— My story A passionate blogger and photographer from London. Add more information about yourself. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra sollicitudin sem eget vestibulum. Phasellus mollis id nibh vitae dignissim. Maecenas vitae eros tincidunt, laoreet tellus in, interdum eros. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante…
Set PHP handler accessPolicy (Request Restrictions) to Read in IIS

Disallow direct access to PHP files in wp-content/uploads/

It's recommended to disallow access to and execution of PHP files in wp-content/uploads folder. Preferably without the use of a security plugin. Blocking access to PHP files in WordPress wp-content/uploads folder is easily achieved with a .htaccess file on Linux Apache, or web.config accesssPolicy in Windows Server IIS, and here is how. Secure your WordPress site with this simple, yet effective, tip!
MySQL fix. Image via Flickr by Luis M. Gallardo D

Restore single MySQL table from a full mysqldump backup file

Here are the steps required to restore a single MySQL table from a full mysqldump database backup file on the command-line. If you need to restore a single table from a full MySQL backup, you may find yourself wondering "how do I do that?". There are a few steps required, I outline them here for you to restore the contents of just one table back into the database from the mysqldump using Bash.

Enable NTFS long paths GPO in Windows Server 2022, 2019 and Windows Server 2016

With Windows Server 2016 released, we can finally lift the idiotic 260 characters limitation for NTFS paths. In this post I'll show you how to configure the "Enable Win32 long paths" Group Policy, and how to make the "LongPathsEnabled" change in the Windows registry. The NTFS long paths GPO is also still required for Windows Server 2022 and 2019.
High Performance MySQL

MySQL InnoDB performance improvement: InnoDB buffer pool instances – Updated!

Are you running into MySQL load problems? Learn how to optimize MySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool for a heavy InnoDB workload by configuring innodb_buffer_pool_instances and increasing read/write I/O threads. Dividing the InnoDB buffer pool into multiple instances can improve Disk I/O. By doing so, you run your database more efficiently and faster. Here is a little help for you.
Recursive scp and symlinks

Recursive scp and symlinks

Recursive scp without following symbolic links. When using recursive scp, symbolic links aren't preserved and are copied as if they are normal directories. So you have to look for another solution to recursively transfer symlinks over ssh. Here is one: Tar over ssh!